Feb 20, 2009

Real People

From JB

From JB

This is a really cute waiter in Miami at this spot I would buy my coffee every morning. He made me smile because he is one of those rare individuals that loved and took pride in his job.

From JB

This is my friend Halal Halal (pronounced holla holla) from my old neighborhood in Brooklyn. He has watched the girls grow up, we still visit him, he's a really good cook..... He used to let me taste his food, and give me cooking tips. I remember crying with him one day... I walked in and he had been beaten and robbed. He's a cool man.

From JB

From JB

From JB

This is my girl at the store on the corner..... She thought I was nuts of course walking in there with my camera, but now when I don't bring it she asks why. Her sister was not feeling me at all, but I'm sure this summer I will have her hooked as well... I love Brooklyn!

From JB

And that's one of the owners....

Who did you smile at today????

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