Mar 21, 2010

Police Brutality

Sometimes the Police get a little over zealous, as we know. When they come on our block the neighbors usually will knock on my door, or I run out with my camera to make sure I put my flash in their face so things don't get too ugly. Well this time I was too late! They used his head to bash out the back window of this car.

They love to set examples, and I'm sure this is just the beginning of what lies ahead as our neighborhood is changing.


  1. Wow! Just wow!!! They banged his head mighty hard to shatter that window like that. No matter what he did, this is too much.

    Hope that he's physically OK.

  2. yes, he is ok... I saw him after his release! I thought the same thing, and was sorry I didn't get there sooner... I have a video camera now so watch out!!

  3. Sounds like you are ready to shut some shit down!!! :)

  4. Wow Jenny. Those are impactful images against such a matter-of-fact caption. It only takes a little to describe the violence of an event. Thanks for posting these and for acting as a witness to the changes in your neighbourhood.

  5. Wow Pete I went to your blog and I am humbled, and driven by your vision. Sincerely.
